

Business transparency at any given time

Centerity AIOps & BSM Platform delivers unified, enterprise-class IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) for complex on-prem, cloud, and hybrid technology environments. Centerity improves the performance and reliability of business and operations processes, employing an approach that measures the overall health of key technology services by providing real-time, consolidated business analytics. SLA dashboards act as an early warning system for IT Operations, exposing problems, identifying performance anomalies, and providing fault isolation across applications, operating systems,
infrastructure and cloud assets.

Centerity Diagram

Centerity AIOps & BSM provides real-time SLAs for business and operational services that impact both profit and loss (P&L) and customer satisfaction (CSAT), allowing executives, managers, and administrators to base decisions on accurate, end-to-end data from the entire technology stack

AIOps & BSM Platform

Centerity’s AIOps & BSM Platform brings automation to the creation of business value dashboards. Centerity discovers and organizes all IT assets across the environment, organizing these by layer and then into business services. Once mapped, KPIs can be collected, analyzed, and visualized into intuitively consumable interactive graphs and dashboards. The resulting SLA dashboard gives a complete picture of systemic performance, user experience, anomalies, and even cybersecurity information to improve IT Ops decisions that impact P&L and CSAT

Anomaly Detection

Centerity’s artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms provide dynamic monitoring and alerts for performance attributes that exceed normal operating ranges, factoring in load cycles, production schedules and seasonality.

About Centerity Systems

Centerity AIOps & BSM is an award-winning software platform delivering unified, enterprise-class IT Operations Analytics (ITOA) improving performance and reliability for any environment, any technology layer, and any management role. Centerity SLA dashboards act as an early warning system for critical business and operational services, evaluating the full technology stack to expose problems, performance anomalies, and fault isolation across applications, operating systems, infrastructure and cloud assets

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